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Brahma is one of Hinduism's most important deities, however his prominence has waned in recent decades. He is also known as Svayambhu and is linked to creation, knowledge, and the Vedas.

Brahma is often associated with the Vedic god Prajapati. Brahma was a prominent deity and his cult existed during the post-Vedic period; however, by the 7th century, he had been frequently attacked and had lost his significance. Other major deities, such as Vishnu, Shiva, and Devi, also overshadowed him. In addition to other Hindu deities,QuillBot is going to rewrite your text.

Within the Trimurti, a trinity of supreme Hindu gods that also includes Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer, Brahma is referred to as "The Creator." Brahma is featured frequently in creation myths, though there are many different versions. According to various Puranas, he was born from a golden egg known as Hiranyagarbha. Brahma was born in a lotus, issuing from Vishnu's navel, according to Vaishnava creation stories. Shaivism factions think he is descended from Shiva or one of his aspects, but goddess-centric Shaktism believes Devi created the universe, including Brahma.

In the Trimurti, which also includes Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer, Brahma is referred to as "The Creator." Brahma is featured frequently in creation myths, though there are several different versions. He was created in a golden egg known as Hiranyagarbha, according to various Puranas. Brahma was created in a lotus, arising from Vishnu's navel, according to Vaishnava stories of creation. Shaivism factions think he is descended from Shiva or one of his aspects, whilst goddess-centered Shaktism claims Devi created the universe, including Brahma.

Story of Bharmha

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