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Bead Necklace-3836
Date Added : 2009-08-23 09:45:11      (1899)Views

Bone Design Yak Bone Yak Bone Necklace, Handmade In Nepal, Handmade In Nepal

Code HME3836
Material YAK BONE
Availability Available
Quantity PCS US$ 5.00
  • Shipping Calculation

    weight of 1 Pcs of the product is 0.5 kg and will cost USD $ 26.94

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  • Item location: kathmandu, Nepal
    Worldwide shipping

  • Dispatch
  • We normally dispatch the product in 2-5 business days. Else Buyer will be infromed personally about the dispatch Date.

  • Payment
  • Paypal | Credit - Debit Card | Bank Transfer | See More
  • Return
  • 7 days money back, buyer pays return shipping

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Bead Necklace
Beads and bone design necklaces are unique and beautiful pieces of jewelry that are handcrafted by skilled artisans in Nepal. These necklaces are made using a variety of materials, including bone, beads, metal, and leather, and are designed to be both stylish and meaningful. The bone used in these necklaces is often sourced from domesticated animals, such as cows or water buffalo, and is carefully carved and polished to create intricate designs and patterns. The beads used in the necklaces may be made from glass, stone, or other materials, and are often woven together using traditional techniques to create a beautiful and unique design. Read More
In addition to their aesthetic appeal, beads and bone design necklaces are also imbued with cultural significance and spiritual meaning. Many people in Nepal believe that certain types of bone and beads can have positive effects on the mind and body, and may promote healing, balance, and positive energy.

Beads and bone design necklaces make excellent gifts for those who appreciate unique and meaningful jewelry, and are a wonderful way to support the local artisans and culture of Nepal. They are also a versatile accessory that can be worn with a variety of outfits, from casual to formal. Overall, these necklaces are a beautiful and meaningful addition to any jewelry collection.

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