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Dhaka Shawl-11815
Date Added : 2015-08-04 18:13:43      (264)Views

Dhaka Shawl, Multicolor Durable Acrylic Shawl with Various Patterns

Code HME11815
200cm (79")
87cm (34")
Weight 350 gm - 0.77 lbs
Material Acrylic
Availability Available
Quantity PCS US$ 14.00
  • Shipping Calculation

    weight of 1 Pcs of the product is 0.5 kg and will cost USD $ 26.94

  • Select
  • Item location: kathmandu, Nepal
    Worldwide shipping

  • Dispatch
  • We normally dispatch the product in 2-5 business days. Else Buyer will be infromed personally about the dispatch Date.

  • Payment
  • Paypal | Credit - Debit Card | Bank Transfer | See More
  • Return
  • 7 days money back, buyer pays return shipping

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For Business ordering standard quantity

This website has been designed to incorporate retail and wholesale pricing in one place. You can increase or decrease the quantity based on which you will be provided with suitable prices instantly.

For Business ordering Bluk quantity [Above 100 pcs]

This is not a direct shopping website. So no payments are needed for placing an order. Please feel free to send us an order for the product you are interested in, mentioning the approximate quantity. Based on which we will send you a wholesale price quotation.

1. We don't keep these products in physical stock. Hence your order will be sent for making as soon as the order is confirmed
2. Time required to complete the order will be emailed to you depending upon the order Volume.
3. Minimal Quantity Requirement are set so as to give you best price possible. Increase or decrease in quantity may result in changes in per piece prices.

Ordering 1 piece or Retail Quantity
If you have to order only 1 pc or retail quantity. The per unit price will increase and we will have to proceed as follows.
1. Check for the availability. If we have it in stock we will dispatch it.
2. We will send you available color options of the same design. If you like it,we will dispatch it.
3. We will send to make it and also send you the cost of making 1 pc custom product. If you are fine with the price, we will proceed with the shipment.
Dhaka Shawl
This is an acrylic woolen shawl, also known as the Indian multi-color shawl or Dhaka shawl. These shawls are made from high-quality acrylic wool and feature various eye-catching patterns created on looms. They are not only attractive but also very durable.
Our Dhaka shawls are incredibly versatile. You can wear them as shawls, draping them elegantly over your shoulders for a stylish look. They can also be used as raw materials to make other fashionable items like jackets, ponchos, and more. Their strength and charming designs make them a great choice for those who value both style and practicality. Read More

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